Virginia Lee Burton:
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
and The Little House

Virginia Lee Burton's classic stories - especially Mike Mulligan and The Little House - explore issues that remain relevant today.

In Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, the hero faces a challenge that has become common in our fast-changing world: how can a steam shovel compete against more modern equipment? How does one stay relevant and employable, and not be viewed as obsolete? Read how Mike Mulligan and his steam engine triumph against the odds to secure a permanent place in the lives and hearts of the townsfolk - and in the hearts of readers everywhere.

In The Little House, the author shows, rather than tells, the changes modernization has made to our environment, and how it has affected the way we live.

These stories have delighted generations of kids and remain as favorite children's books today, imparting virtues like perseverance and adaptability.

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